Recent Stories
The Water Belongs to Everyone, and This Blind Kayaker Will Prove It
I feel so fortunate to be able to work with Laura Klivans from KQED to tell my story. Laura is an amazing person and a great story teller.
KQED California Report
Audio, video & magazine article The Water Belongs To Everyone and This Blind Kayaker Will Prove It!
radio: The California Report
video: Ahmet Ustunel magazine:
The California Report
Blind kayaker envisions voyage bosporus strait: San Francisco Examiner
Many thanks to Sarahbeth Maney for the awesome coverage of my journey! Sarahbeth's article in SF ExaminerNew technology to help 'The Blind Captain' kayak across the Bosphorus in a solo journey
Public Radio International featured my story! This story covers many aspects of my journey
Download the audio podcast! Honored to be on the PRI's World
The Blind Man Using Tech To Cross The Bosphorus Strait: Red Bull
Red Bull featured my story!BBC Covered my story
BBC News featured my journey!Get On Board With The Blind Captain
Thomas Reid featured my story in his podcast Reid My Mind. He is a great story teller and a very creative radio show host who covers many aspects of blindness in his podcast. Reid My Mind, Get On Board With The Blind Captain
TRT World covered my kayaking project across the Bosphorus
A Blind Man's Quest To Paddle Across The BosphorusMy Journey was on Vision Australia Radio, Talking Vision
Blind Captain on Talking VisionThe Blind Captain aims to kayak solo across the Bosphorus with the help of new technology: Global Voices
Article About my project in Global VoicesSF group’s awards allow blind baker, beekeeper and kayaker to inspire
By Jill Tucker Article About Holman Prize in San Francisco Chronicle
Meet Ahmet Ustunel: Blind Kayaker and Holman Prizewinner
LightHouse Blog, Meet Ahmet UstunelBlindness does not stop this beekeeper, this baker and this kayaker from expanding their vision - The Washington Post
Washington Post Article about Holman Prize WinnersMy Photo Gallery
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- Paddling From Europe To Asia
- Fishing tips for the Blind
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How Can You Support?
I will be training from August 2017 to July 2018 for my Project "Paddling From Europe To Asia." I am looking for people who canpaddle with me around San Francisco and Istanbul
teach me currents of the Bosphorous
help me with electronics, mechanics, and software/app development such as installation of Obstacle Detection and collision Avoidance Systems (ultrasonic and laser sensors), building arduino and Raspberry Pi devices, ETC
take photos and videos during my trainings and crossing the Bosphorous
help me with video editing and creating a short documentary about my project "Paddling From Europe To Asia"
Be one of my sponsors
Please contact me at ahmet@theblindcaptain.com if you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring.
Tech devices I'll use on the kayak
- Mr. Beep the Course Keeper
- Audio Compass
- Ariadne GPS
- Depth Whisperer
- Loc8tor
- Trekker
- Other apps and devices
Fishing with me!
Fishing is one of my favorite activity. I do pier fishing around San Francisco Bay. During my training for "Paddling From Europe To Asia" I am hoping to get into kayak fishing as well.I want my website, www.theblindcaptain.com to be a platform where blind and sighted fisherman can connect and go fishing together.
If you are a blind fisherman looking for a sighted fishing buddy or if you are a sighted fishing enthusiast who wants to volunteer please contact me at ahmet@theblindcaptain.com.