How To Use A Talking Compass
compass apps and compasses on GPS devices are very straightforward and can be mastered easily. Once learned they will certainly become an invaluable skill for any blind kayaker, sailor, or outdoor enthusiast.Directions and Degrees
Before beginning to use a compass let's start with basic directions and their degree readings. The four cardinal points are all 90 degrees apart, with East being at 90 degrees (3 O'clock), South at 180 degrees (6 O'Clock), West at 270 degrees (9 O'Clock), and North at 360 degrees (or zero degrees) or (12 O'clock). Identifying the degrees by 45 degree increments gives us the eight principal points of direction namely North (0 or 360 degrees), North East (45 degrees), East (90 degrees), South East (135 degrees), South (180 degrees), South West (225 degrees), West (270 degrees), and North West (315 degrees). Memorizing the eight principal points can be a good idea if you are going to use compass degrees often. For example, if you are told that a landmark is NW of your location, you know that is 315 degrees (10:30).Bearings
One of the most important uses of a compass is taking, and following a bearing. A bearing is the direction from one spot to another, measured in degrees, from the reference line of north. To take a bearing hold the compass/phone in front of you pointing at the object of interest. Hold the compass/phone level and steady, then check the degree and that is your bearing. Now let’s Say you want to paddle to a fishing spot you marked on your GPS and your GPS app or talking navigational device says your fishing spot is at 315 degrees (or NW). paddle forward keeping the phone/compass pointing at 315 degrees. As long as you follow a straight line course on 315 degrees your talking compass will lead you to your fishing spot.Once you arrive at your fishing spot what bearing do you use to return to where you came from?
you can calculate your back bearing by subtracting 180 from your forward bearing of 315, and set your route at 135 degree (SE).
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How Can You Support?
I will be training from August 2017 to July 2018 for my Project "Paddling From Europe To Asia." I am looking for people who canpaddle with me around San Francisco and Istanbul
teach me currents of the Bosphorous
help me with electronics, mechanics, and software/app development such as installation of Obstacle Detection and collision Avoidance Systems (ultrasonic and laser sensors), building arduino and Raspberry Pi devices, ETC
take photos and videos during my trainings and crossing the Bosphorous
help me with video editing and creating a short documentary about my project "Paddling From Europe To Asia"
Be one of my sponsors
Please contact me at ahmet@theblindcaptain.com if you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring.
Tech devices I'll use on the kayak
- Mr. Beep the Course Keeper
- Audio Compass
- Ariadne GPS
- Depth Whisperer
- Loc8tor
- Trekker
- Other apps and devices
Fishing with me!
Fishing is one of my favorite activity. I do pier fishing around San Francisco Bay. During my training for "Paddling From Europe To Asia" I am hoping to get into kayak fishing as well.I want my website, www.theblindcaptain.com to be a platform where blind and sighted fisherman can connect and go fishing together.
If you are a blind fisherman looking for a sighted fishing buddy or if you are a sighted fishing enthusiast who wants to volunteer please contact me at ahmet@theblindcaptain.com.